Line: Draw a line from point P1 to point P2 [ 8 ]
Draw a straight line from point P1 to point P2 defined by their abscissa-ordinate pairs. Drawing takes into account current Draw color and current line thickness. It is called with 4 floating number parameters:
- X1 ⇒ Abscissa of starting point P1
- Y1 ⇒ Ordinate of starting point P1
- X2 ⇒ Abscissa of ending point P2
- Y2 ⇒ Ordinate of ending poinbt P2
C calling syntax
void Line (float x1, float y1, float x2,float y2)
Cobol calling syntax
CALL "Line" using by value X1,Y1,X2,Y2.
C sample code
#include "fpdf.h" static char f_ini ??(??) = ??< "ini??/??/demofpdf.ini" ??>; static char f_out ??(??) = ??< "pdf??/??/demo_e.pdf" ??>; static char buf0 ??(1024??); static float points ??(??) = ??<105, 160, 145, 190, 145, 240, 115, 240, 115, 215, 95, 215, 95, 240, 65, 240, 65, 190, 104.4, 160.4, -1??>; /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ int main (int argc, char *argv []) ??< int link1, link2; NewPdfy (f_ini, 1); AddPage("P"); SetLineWidth (0.3); Line (20,10,180,10); InLine ("[3 3] 0 d"); Line (20,18,180,18); InLine ("[6 6] 0 d"); Line (20,26,180,26); InLine ("[] 0 d"); SetLineWidth (1); SetDrawColor (32, 32, 32); SetFillColor (160, 255, 200); Sector (50, 80, 40, 0, 60, "DF", true, 90); SetFillColor (240, 255, 16); Sector (50, 80, 40, 60, 90, "DF", true, 90); SetFillColor (64, 64, 255); Sector (50, 80, 40, 90, 150, "DF", true, 90); SetFillColor (255, 30, 50); Sector (50, 80, 40, 150, 260, "DF", true, 90); SetFillColor (120, 200, 64); Sector (50, 80, 40, 260, 360, "DF", true, 90); SetLineWidth (2); SetDrawColor (128, 32, 32); SetFillColor (0, 240, 240); Rect (130, 80, 40, 70, "DF"); Circle (150, 80, 40, "DF"); link1 = AddLink (); link2 = AddLink (); SetLink (link1, 0, -1); SetMargins (40, 10, 40); SetXY (40, 180); SetFont ("Arial", "N", 10); strcpy (buf0, "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer nonummy et convallis parturient et. "); strcat (buf0, "Volutpat congue Quisque neque Nulla vitae non ut quis Vestibulum wisi. "); strcat (buf0, "Curabitur et suscipit non Quisque Nam eros non semper convallis Morbi.\n\n"); strcat (buf0, "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer nonummy et convallis parturient et. "); strcat (buf0, "Volutpat congue Quisque neque Nulla vitae non ut quis Vestibulum wisi. "); strcat (buf0, "Curabitur et suscipit non Quisque Nam eros non semper convallis Morbi."); Write (4, buf0, 0); SetMargins (15, 10, 15); Ln (20); SetFont ("Courier", "B", 12); Write (4, "This is a text carrying no link\n\n\n", 0); SetHorzScaling (120); Write (4, "This is an expanded text carrying a link to the top of next page\n\n\n", link2); SetHorzScaling (50); Write (4, "This is a shrunken text without any link", 0); SetHorzScaling (100); AddPage("P"); SetLink (link2, 0, -1); SetFont ("Courier", "B", 12); SetXY (20, 20); Write (4, "This is a text carrying a link to the top of previous page", link1); SetFillColor (30, 50, 240); SetTextColor (64, 64, 64); Code39 (20, 50, "195454828620151618", 1, 12, "H", "N"); SetFillColor (240, 30, 50); i25 (20, 80, "195454828620151618", 1, 12); SetFillColor (10, 128, 20); Code39 (150, 140, "195454828620151618", 1, 12, "V", "P"); SetFillColor (240, 255, 16); Polygon (points, "DF"); Output (f_out); ??>
Description of sample code
This programs illustrates various functions found in FPDF4ZOS interface. It opens a PDF context, draws 3 different lines with 3 different dash patterns, thanks to the Inline instructions. It then draws side by side - a circle formed by 5 different sectors each of which exhibit a different fill color, - a circle above a rectangle with Draw and Fill pattern. It then writes text in flow mode which takes into account left and right margins as well as LineFeed characters. The final write also illustrates Various Horizontal scaling which enables to expand or shrink text. Another page is added which illustrates the usage of the two codebar functions, say Code39 and i25. Note that two among write calls exhibit an internal link usage. On the second page, a Polygon is also drawn. The following functions are used in this piece: - NewPdfy() --> Initialisation of a pdf context - AddPage() --> As it says - SetLineWidth() --> Instruct that PDF is to be protected at user and owner levels - Line() --> Draw a straight line between point P1 [X1,Y1] and point P2 [X2,Y2] - InLine() --> Insert a Raw PDF instruction - SetDrawColor() --> Set the color of lines to be drawn - SetFillColor() --> Set the color of area to be filled - Rect() --> Draw a Rectangle - Circle() --> Draw a Circle - AddLink() --> Allocate an internal link - SetLink() --> Specify destination (page number and Y position) of a previously defined internal link - SetFont() --> Set current font - SetMargins() --> Specify page margins (left, top, right) - Ln() --> Insert a line break, meaning return to left margin while incrementing Y position - Write() --> Write text in flow mode - SetHorzScaling() --> Change default hirizontal scaling when writing text - SetXY() --> Set X and Y current position - Code39() --> Output a Code39 codebar - i25() --> Output a Interleaved I25 codebar - Polygon() --> Draw a Polygon defined as a set of points - Output() --> Output PDF file taking into account all the instructions invoked since context initialization
See sample source code in 'C' as well as PDF execution result - NB: For encrypted PDFs, user password is USER-PSWD