FPDF4ZOS package

In this package you’ll find a complete FPDF4ZOS environment which will enable to get you started on Windows.  It is organized around 4 main subdirectories, eng , dmo, app and mvs which contains respectively the core engine, a set of demo programs calling the DLL referred to in this web site, a set of 4 fully operational transformation programs and a set of utilities required for MVS operations.

Downloadable FPDF4ZOS package includes:

  • All the source codes of core FPDF4ZOS engine. Beyond the *.c programs and the *.h include files, there are also the *.cbp make files in CodeBlocks format required for compilation.
  • Miscelaneous resource files required to execute [app] and [dmo] programs such as initialisation *.ini files, *.frm forms, *.jpg images, *.csv or *.txt data files, etc.
  • MVS specific files and resources.
Core FPDF4ZOS engine:

Directory structure of {eng} subdirectory is described below:

¦ +---Debug
¦ +---Debug

In this structure, all files required for compilation are located right under eng subdirectory, all object created by compilation are located under obj/Debug directory, DLL and link definition files are located under bin/Debug directory. Finally, a Unix-Linux make file usable by gcc (say GNU compiler) is located under unx directory.

Demo FPDF4ZOS programs:

Directory structure of {dmo} subdirectory is described below:

│ └───Debug
│ └───Debug
│ ├───dmo
│ └───eng

As in previous eng subdirectory, all files required for compilation are located right under dmo subdirectory, all object created by compilation are located under obj/Debug directory, executable programs compiled are located under bin/Debug directory. Finally, a Unix-Linux make file usable by gcc (say GNU compiler) is located under unx directory.

In addition, there are other sub-directories which are described below:

  • cfg  =>  FPDF4ZOS application program configuration files
  • data =>  Demo program data file, when relevant
  • frm  =>  Demo program forms, when relevant
  • ini  =>  FPDF4ZOS engine initialisation files
  • jpg  =>  Demo program images, when relevant
  • pdf  =>  PDF files produced by demo program

Application FPDF4ZOS programs:

Directory structure of {app} subdirectory is described below:

 │   └───Debug
 │   └───Debug
 │       ├───app
 │       └───eng

As in previous eng subdirectory, all files required for compilation are located right under app subdirectory, all object created by compilation are located under obj/Debug directory, executable programs compiled are located under bin/Debug directory. Finally, a Unix-Linux make file usable by gcc (say GNU compiler) is located under unx directory.

In addition, there are other sub-directories which are described below:

  • cfg  =>  FPDF4ZOS application program configuration files
  • data =>  Application program data file when relevant
  • frm  =>  Application program forms
  • ini  =>  FPDF4ZOS engine intialisation files
  • jpg  =>  Application program images
  • pdf  =>  PDF files produced by application programs
MVS FPDF4ZOS resources:

Directory structure of {mvs} subdirectory is described below:

  • CMACLIB  =>  Include directory with specific MVS setting
  • FTP =>  FTP script to transfert files to MVS
  • JCL =>  JCL models for compilation and programs execution
  • LKED =>  Script for binding objects into executable load modules
  • MACLIB =>  Include file for single MVS assembly source code
  • PROC =>  Compilation and binding procedures
  • SOURCE =>  COBOL Demo programs and assembler source code